Tuesday, January 22, 2008

3 Movies

I like movies that transport you away from this world while setting themselves in it. To that end:

August Rush- just makes you want to believe in the power of music and love and god.
I Am Legend- just makes you want to believe that Insurance and Medical companies are going to kill us all...including Will Smith
Cloverfield- just makes you...kidding. The story is old, the setting has been done, the demise is Shakespearian, and there's probably going to be a sequel. If motion makes you sick, don't watch. But, for sheer "thrill" and a modern visual perspective, about 90 minutes of movie magic. Oh, and the creature is just fucking scary looking.

After all 3 of these movies, it took me a while to kind of put my head back in the world. I like that.

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