Sunday, September 16, 2007

10 Pounds of Fucked Face Hate

I can't stand it in this small town anymore. I have to get out. I got left with this place in the divorce (though she got everything inside, I got stuck selling a shell). The realtors in this area are slipshod if not outright incompetent and this place is sucking my soul dry.

If I lived where I'm aiming, I'd be riding my bike around a lake, going to museums, seeing movies/plays/theater, LIVE MUSIC that isn't roustabout shit.

Instead, I have to pack up my existence and travel a few hours to get to anything that feels like home and away from the place listed as my current address. This place isn't hell in reality, but it's hell on me.

I'm in love, I have friends, and all of those are ELSEWHERE!!!

I've gotten to the point where I hate my ex wife for a ton of reasons, though I started by just not being able to stay married to her anymore. But for me being stuck out here for something I did for her, I am forever fucking mutilated in my heart when it comes to her being able to bolt and move on. She is a fuck stick and a cheat and selfish and stupid and I cannot believe I was married to that stink box for such a long period of time.

I just am fucking raging today against all things that are my past since they are preventing me from what I would like to have as my present.

If someone were to just burn my house down, you'd be helping me.


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