Monday, August 20, 2007

Musical Snob Ass Motherfuckers

For the record, I used to be one. I still have some problems with it. I love bands when they're small and then they lose me when they're big. Not because of the "sold out" thing, but because it's no longer "mine".

I remember going to a Pat Metheny concert for the first time and being bummed that there were a shitload of people there and they were all big fans like I am. It was hard not to be down hearted afterwards, except the music was so great and we were all singing along.

I have some friends who are still snobbier than me, but Ms. T is kicking my ass about being a snooty s.o.b. when it comes to this stuff. Good thing, I guess.

What I can't stand are people who will tell you that your taste in music SUCKS if it isn't theirs. My former brother-in-law is like is, interestingly enough, another guy named Michael who lives in my small town. He's just an over opinionated fuck who needs to be hit several times in the nut sack with a bag of nails, so his opinion doesn't matter.

Still, his attitude is congruent with the type of stoggy, stick-up-the-ass types who think that their vision of "art" if far superior.

Look, it's okay if you like Justin Timberlake or Rob Thomas or Carrie Underwood or whatever, as long as you give My Morning Jacket or Umphrey's McGhee or Peeping Tom a spin or two sometime...and vice versa.

But fuck whatever band put out that "Barbie Girl" song. Just fuck them til they bleed and leave 'em dying.

Have a nice day.

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